The Vault


No one owns The Vault, it goes all to the community. That also means we will need as much help as we can get to maintain and add on to it. You don't even need to know any coding to help, donations will greatly help the site. All donations go 100% back into the site, with enough donations we can buy ourselves a proper domain.

Ways you can help:

1. Make a pull request.

One easy way of helping the vault is to add on to the site through github and pushing it through a pull request. Doing this will not only help the vault but you will earn you name under the contributer list.

2. Donating to the project.

Donating to the project will help up tremendously with the expenses of running this site. As of right now it is a simple Github pages site which is free of cost, we'd like to eventually move it to a better hosting and get a domain.

3. Emailing us bugs or suggestions.

Finding and reporting bugs would help us a lot, so we would'nt have to debug everything ourselves. We try to add features as much as we can but our priority is to get a fully working site first.

